I am a Los Angeles native currently living in Austin, Texas and am fighting the urge to greet everyone with a 'Howdy'
every single day.
I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Strategic Communication with an emphasis in Advertising
and a minor in Creative Technology and Design Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder.
I've loved advertising and PR since I learned how to read on the Billboards that I would see every time I left the house. Now I find myself taking the main streets instead of the freeway home just so that I can see if there are any new ones for me to form far too passionate opinions about.
I love interacting with people and trying to make them smile whether that be through the cheesy jokes I tell or baking a coworker's favorite dessert for their birthday. I hope that through my work I am able to bring just a bit more joy into the world.
You can always find me either curating hyper-specific playlists on Spotify, trying to make my friends laugh on Twitter, or basking in the sun.